Sunday, April 3, 2011

Here we go again...

Last Friday was my 54th birthday, yes April fools day. My birthday gift from the cosmos was my mothers hospitalization in the psych ward again.
Have a call and email into her pastor. Phoned the family and friends that needed informing and am meditating on the fact that Mom will soon hate me again, as she does anyone who has to step in as guardian. If its any consolation to myself at least i have experience at it, been there done that... and it's off my sons shoulders who has had the burden the last 3/4 years.
Mother is bi-polar schizophrenic.
The following is a copy of the email sent to mothers pastor with out proper names or phone numbers reviled.

Dear Pastor,
I am D, Ms. Addy's' daughter. I am not sure if you are aware that mother is bi-polar schizophrenic. She stopped taking her med's again some time ago and is back in the hospital at Lt. Any tails of witchcraft in the family or demon  possession of family members are part of her delusions. My being a drug addict is also a popular story but I assure you that has never been true. She was a missionary in Haiti in the 70's but sent home after a major psychotic break down when she began to threaten other missionaries and workers she felt were demons in disguise and out to harm her and the children of the orphanage.
Mothers hart has always been in the right place. She wants nothing but to protect the world from the demons that possess her. She was never abused as a child, that story started after she found out my step father had been abusing me.
I will be working with her attorney and once again taking full guardianship over mother. I hope she can continue to live with my son once she is regulated again on her meds. If not we will have to find an assisted living facility within her budget where she will me monitored at all times.
As an example of her delusions, mother told me you were the brother of my late husband Frank G and that in his will my Frank left you in charge of his ministry putting mother over all missionary's and that she hold and office in the church for her counseling work with addicts and street people...I love my mother dearly and am very sorry that some of her delusions we are not true. She only wants to help those she feels are lost and in need. I am grateful she raise my brother and I in the church for it is only by the grace of God that we have come through her disability with our still faith in tack.
We would appreciate your continued prayers for mother and if you have any questions feel free to call me at  (home) or cell .
Daughter of A


Far from a 'bible thump-er' I am thankful I have faith in a higher being..,but know, I have acquired this after leaving the church and studying on my own the lost/banned books of the bible as well as other faiths besides that of my childhood, Christianity. Religion is my mothers drug of choice. Most people with mothers illness are addicted to something. Moms addiction is God and her battles are against demons that she sees, inhabiting  those around her.

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