Sunday, April 3, 2011

Waiting by the phone

I talked to my brother earlier and told him I'd be home by 7 pm. I've been waiting since 6:45 pm waiting by the phone to discus mothers latest situation. I have yet to hear the phone ring. I never questioned stepping in when needed. Guess I am a bit surprised, still...,not. I was hopeful we could talk about this and decide together the next step. Or even he may suggest on his own that it's his turn to bare the biggest part of the burden and be mothers guardian. Mind you this does not mean we have to live with her but that we be responsible for her bills being paid on time and the well being of her person. She isn't always pleasant to her appointed guardian. As a very independent woman being given an allowance and no check book is demeaning to say the least. She can cut you to your soul with words you'd never think this little lady would dare utter. A battle worn soldier would blush I assure you! No, pleasant she is not. But she is my mother. And to say no to the guardianship and it's responsibilities, to say no to dealing with her illness means she is turned out on her own. She'll be taken advantage of by the street people she'll bring into her home to 'save'. She won't pay rent because she'll give her money to a mission some where believing 'God will provide' until she is evitcted again and on the street living with strangers. She is my mother...and for all the fire and brimstone she will throw my way I can't just let her go. In and out of mental institutions as the neighbors complain and have her picked up? No, not my mom. I may cry myself to sleep a lot more in the future. My nerves will be tested and my Chron's des.
Ok, in all brother just called...over 2 hours late, but...he called.

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